Press Releases

2019 World Metrology Day events in Taiwan


To welcome the historical change in metrology – Re-definition of SI, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) of Taiwan, R.O.C., is organizing a forum in collaboration with the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) on May 20, 2019.

The forum titled “International Trend of Metrology – The International System of Units – Fundamentally Better” will be held on May 20 in Hsinchu, which includes keynote speeches and Summit Forum. Dr. Takashi Usuda, CIPM Secretary, and Dr. Chia-Seng Chang, Researcher Fellow & Director, Academia Sinica, are invited to be the. keynote speakers and will present their views on the following topics:

l SI Redefinition- Challenge for Next Generation Metrology

l Trend of Modern Metrology and Quantum Physics

As to the Summit Forum, eight experts are invited from academia, industry, and government as the panelists to share their experience from their specific perspectives on Response and Challenge to the Innovative Application of New Metrology Development.

The afternoon session is a tour to the New SI laboratory. The systems include -28SI Sphere weight standards, resonant acoustic gas thermometers temperature and absolute radiant temperature standards, quantized voltage and resistance standards, and isotope measurement system for mole standards.

  • 編修日期:2019/05/17
  • 上稿單位:標準檢驗局


更新日期: 2024年9月27日