Press Releases

BSMI and the Consumers' Foundation Jointly Released Test Results of Portable Gas Stoves

BSMI and the Consumers' Foundation Jointly Released Test Results of Portable Gas Stoves

The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) in collaboration with the Consumers' Foundation released the test results of portable gas stoves randomly purchased from the market to check their compliance with relevant requirements. 10 portable gas stoves were purchased from physical stores in Tainan and Yunlin as well as on-line shopping platforms. They were subject to testing of quality items (structure, gas tightness and pressure resistance of gas passage, combustion condition, performance of electrical ignition and pressure sensitive safety device) and labeling checks. The results showed that 1 product each purchased from physical stores and online stores were determined to be not compliant with the requirements. The one purchased online did not bear the Commodity Inspection Mark. The BSMI reminds consumers to look for the Commodity Inspection Mark or proof that demonstrating completion of inspection procedures when shopping online.

The one purchased from physical stores was found noncompliant due to mislabeling of the rate of gas consumption. The one purchased online was not certified and failed the following quality tests.
1.A space capable of putting in a spare canister: this may lead to explosion of the spare canister resulted from fast rising of temperature when the appliance is being used. 
2.The wrongly installed canister can still fit in the appliance and gas leaks from the joint:  this may lead to fire if there is a source of fire next to the appliance.
3.Possibility for connecting the canister to the appliance when the valve is not in a closing state: this may lead to accumulation of gas inside the compartment of the appliance and deflagration upon ignition of the appliance. 
4.Failure of the pressure sensitive safety device to cut off gas supply or eject the canister: this may lead to explosion of the canister. 

The BSMI urges online sellers, when selling a product subject to mandatory inspection, to make the information of Commodity Inspection Mark or Commodity Inspection Certificate available on the web page where the product is displayed for sale. The BSMI continues working with online platforms to educate online sellers to sell safe products and remove/inactivate web pages selling potentially unsafe products to protect consumers and to maintain fair trading environment.

The BSMI stated that the product failing labeling checks will be subject to corrective actions within a specified time limit, as required by Article 59 of the Commodity Inspection Act. A fine of not less than NTD 100,000 and not more than NTD 1,000,000 will be imposed, if corrective actions are not completed after the time limit. For the product purchased online, a fine of not less than NTD 250,000 and not more than NTD 2,500,000 will be imposed if it is found to evade inspection after investigation. The obligatory inspection applicant shall be notified to recall the products and take corrective actions.

The BSMI indicated that portable gas stoves are subject to mandatory inspection and are not allowed to be released from production premises or imported before they are certified. The BSMI implements an annual market surveillance program to continuously monitor the safety of products on the market. In case noncompliant products are found, the BSMI looks into the causes, makes an interview report and takes actions in accordance with relevant regulations.

BSMI Spokesperson: Chen, Ling-Hui, Deputy Director General
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1709

Responsible Person: Chen, Cheng-Chang, Deputy Director, 3rd Division
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1905; Tel. (M): +886-935-885350

Press Contact: Chen, Tzu-Chien
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1739; Tel. (M): +886-921-125358

  • 編修日期:2021/09/24
  • 上稿單位:檢驗行政組
更新日期: 2024年9月27日