Press Releases

BSMI and Department of Consumer Protection, Executive Yuan, Jointly Released Test Results of Sunglasses

BSMI and Department of Consumer Protection, Executive Yuan, Jointly Released Test Results of Sunglasses

Sunglasses are becoming one of the daily necessities nowadays both for the young and elder generations in Taiwan. They are subject to regulatory control to ensure that their quality complies with the national standard CNS 15067, "Eye and face protection - Sunglasses and related eyewear -Part 1: Sunglasses for general use" and consumers are receiving the protection they expected from wearing sunglasses they bought. The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) in collaboration with the Department of Consumer Protection, Executive Yuan, released the test results of sunglasses, randomly purchased from the market to check their compliance with the standard. 20 pairs of sunglasses of different brands and models were purchased from physical stores and online platforms in 2021. The check included quality tests (transmittance; refractive power; spectral transmittance and detection of light signal for filters for driving and road purposes; penetration angles and polarization efficiency for polarized filters) and marking/labeling. The results showed that a total of 14 products failed to pass the check, among which 5 did not pass quality tests.

The BSMI said that all sunglasses passed tests of UV, which is harmful to our eyes. The items of "visible light transmittance," "polarization efficiency" and "penetration angles" in quality tests are the major aspects of noncompliance. It was found that the filter category declared by the business operator did not match the test results and the "polarization efficiency" and "penetration angles" did not comply with the standard. The BSMI will provide the business operators with further guidance to label the correct information on the products so that consumers are well informed when making purchases.

For the non-compliant products, the BSMI will take the following actions in accordance with relevant Articles of the Commodity Inspection Act:
1.For those failing the quality tests, the sellers were informed that display or sale of the products is prohibited. The obligatory inspection applicants were notified to withdraw the products from the market or take corrective actions within a specified time limit (Articles 48 and 63-1). A fine of not less than NTD 100,000 and not more than NTD 1,000,000 will be imposed, if corrective actions are not completed before the time limit.
2.For those failing the check of Chinese labeling, the obligatory inspection applicants were notified to take corrective actions within a specified time limit (Article 59). A fine of not less than NTD 100,000 and not more than NTD 1,000,000 will be imposed, if corrective actions are not completed before the time limit.
3.For those not bearing the Commodity Inspection Mark and the business operators are found to evade inspection, a fine at an amount of not less than NTD 200,000 and not more than NTD 2,000,000 (Article 60) will be imposed and the obligatory inspection applicants will be required to withdraw the products from the market or take corrective actions within a specified time limit (Article 63).

The BSMI indicated that sunglasses are not allowed to be released from production premises or imported before the completion of inspection procedures. It implements an annual market surveillance program to continuously monitor the safety of products on the market. In case noncompliant products are found, the BSMI looks into the causes, makes an interview report and takes actions in accordance with relevant regulations.

The BSMI urges companies to manufacture or import sunglasses with plain lens that comply with the inspection requirements and to ensure that the products are labeled correctly to protect consumers' rights and safety. On the other hand, consumers should only buy sunglasses that are labeled with the Commodity Inspection Mark.

Responsible Division: 2rd Division
Contact Person: Ching-Hong Cheng, Deputy Director
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1763

  • 編修日期:2022/02/09
  • 上稿單位:檢驗行政組
更新日期: 2024年9月27日