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An Energy Transformation Milestone! Taiwan Achieves the First 100-Million Kilowatt-Hour Green Energy Wheeling

  • 發布日期:2020/06/12
  • 發布單位:檢驗技術組
  • 資料點閱次數:4907
An Energy Transformation Milestone! Taiwan Achieves the First 100-Mill.jpg ...

Following the world's 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) is proud to announce great news on Taiwan's renewable energy development. In order to meet the needs of domestic enterprises for renewable energy, the BSMI has been actively promoting direct supply and wheeling of renewable energy. Today (May 6), the BSMI successfully matched 13 renewable energy stakeholders for green energy wheeling. The estimated annual transaction volume of green energy will reach over 110 million kWh (equivalent to 110,000 Taiwan Renewable Energy Certificates), opening up a new chapter in Taiwan's renewable energy development.
Since 2016, President Tsai Ing-wen has been promoting energy transformation in order to pursue energy independence and spur the growth of emerging green energy industries. A goal was set to enhance renewable energy electricity share to 20% by 2025. Actions to achieve the goal involve amendments to the Electricity Act and Renewable Energy Development Act, as well as adoption of a series of energy transformation policies. Among them, opening up the direct supply and wheeling of renewable energy and enabling free trade of renewable energy retail industry are the concrete realizations of President Tsai’s green energy policies and a significant milestone in Taiwan's energy transformation.

"The three main principles for promoting green energy transaction are availability, accessibility and affordability," Minister Shen Jong-chin of Economic Affairs said. Thus, in order to satisfy the need of domestic green supply chains and the enterprises, the BSMI, in collaboration with the Bureau of Energy, Industrial Development Bureau and Taiwan Power Company, was fully devoted to the renewable energy wheeling case. This can help the market of renewable energy in Taiwan become more active by establishing a new transaction model for Taiwan renewable energy, actualizing the spirit of power liberalization and expanding the supply and demand of green energy market. Furthermore, the BSMI assists domestic enterprises in obtaining Taiwan Renewable Energy Certificates. Enterprises can use the certificates as guarantees of using renewable energy to meet the demands of industrial green supply chains and achieve their social responsibility goals.

Participants in Taiwan's first renewable energy wheeling case include TSMC, Foxlink, E Ink, TCI, Zhengxin Real Estate, as green energy users; Vena Energy, Yeheng Power, Foxwell Energy, Dehe Energy, Hongyuan Engineering, as green energy generators; and Foxwell Power, Mr. Watt, Southern Power, as electricity retailing enterprises. The total installed capacity of the five solar power plants is nearly 90.4MW and the estimated annual total transaction volume of green energy can reach 110 million kWh or more. The green energy users are mainly industries of semiconductors, electronic components, biotechnology medicine and the real estate."We appreciate these enterprises for supporting government's policies on energy transformation. They are the foremost leaders of Taiwan's renewable energy wheeling market, and set a good model of renewable energy transaction through wheeling," the BSMI said.

Along with the successful cases on renewable energy wheeling and additional ones under negotiation, the BSMI, as a longstanding promoter of Taiwan Renewable Energy Certificate System, believes that there will be more than 100 million kWh of green energy waiting for matchmaking and transactions. The BSMI encourages enterprises that are interested in participating in green energy to register on the website of National Renewable Energy Certification Center (www.trec.org.tw) to be updated on relevant information, and is eager to work with the industry towards a clean and sustainable living environment.

Spokesperson of the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, M.O.E.A
Deputy Director-General: Wang, Chung-Lin
Office Tel.: 02-23431711
Email Address: cl.wang@bsmi.gov.tw

Unit in Charge: The 6th Division 
Director: Huang, Chih-Wen
Office Tel.: 02-23431828 Mobile No.: 0952-349-376
Email Address: wen.huang@bsmi.gov.tw

News Release Contact Person: Lin, Ching-Yen
Office Tel.: 02-23431759 Mobile No.: 0976-425-601
Email Address: chingyen.lin@bsmi.gov.tw
